The more you know...

In the previous blog, Getting Pumped for Heat Pumps (Part 1 of 2), we discussed some common problems you may experience with your heat pump and some potential solutions.

The second part of this blog is for those of you who have been told, “it’s time for a new heat pump.” Thankfully, there is a plethora of information out there to make that statement less intimidating. Since there is so much information to look at, Commercial Service created this quick breakdown of the most pressing information you should consider before you purchase a new heat pump.

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A quick refresher

In the previous post, we defined how a heat pump differed from a furnace in that a heat pump simply transfers heat from one area to another, unlike a furnace that creates heat. Heat pumps are more efficient because they never completely stop operating like a traditional furnace; instead, heat pumps slow down when heat is not required, decreasing the amount of energy being used.

There are three types of heat pumps, the most popular being air-to-air. For a visual of how this type of pump works, check out this infographic.

Geothermal and split-ductless heat pumps

Besides air-to-air, there are two remaining heat pump styles that you should know about. The first is geothermal – luckily for you, you can read more about that in our blog, Geothermal HVAC Systems. A split-ductless, also known as mini split, system is a good option for those homes where the extension or installation of distribution ductwork is not feasible, and/or in homes that need a small space conditioning system.1 While the initial cost is typically higher for ductless systems, they offer more interior design potential, as well as increased energy efficiency.

Major factors to consider when choosing a heat pump

Manufacturers have started to take important things like climate, aesthetics, and energy efficiency. The biggest takeaway is that there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to heat pumps. The climate you live in can have a major effect on your HVAC system, which in turn can negatively affect your pocketbook. The size of your system matters because it can also be using too little or too much energy, negatively impacting your home. The SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) is a unit of measurement regulated by the federal government; check with your Commercial Service technician to make sure your system meets the minimum level, or goes beyond it.

Advancing technology in the heat pump industry

There are a number of innovations in the industry that are resulting in improved functions of heat pumps. Two-speed compressors allow heat pumps to function close to the heating/cooling capacity required at any given moment, which saves bigger amounts of electrical energy while reducing compressor wear and tear. A lot of high-efficiency heat pumps are now equipped with desuperheaters. While this word is a mouthful, its task is simple: recover wasted heat from the heat pump’s cooling mode, and use it to heat water (two to three times more efficiently than a standard electric water heater).

Schedule Online

Commercial Service offers 24/7 emergency services and is always happy to send over a certified technician to assess any potential problems. For non-emergency repairs, schedule an appointment with our easy Online Scheduling or by calling 812-339-9114.

Regardless of the type of pump you choose, the government recognizes that they are an expensive piece of equipment. As a result, they have offered a rebate and tax subsidies to those who are in the market for new heat pumps. To learn more about heat pump systems, or to get assistance with purchasing a new system, schedule an appointment with our easy Online Scheduling or by calling 812-339-9114.



Winterizing Your Home (Part 1 of 2)